By participating in the Secure Key Exchange program (as a keyholder or a customer), you agree to the following legal disclaimers:
1. The “Secure Key Exchange” service is a INTERMEDIARY service between KEYHOLDER and CUSTOMER. The sole purpose of this program is to create a safe and anonymous environment for keyholders and customers alike.
2. Keyholder’s will remain anonymous to customers other than their “Keyholder Name”. Only pertitenent customer information will be shared with the keyholder to help facilitate the safe return of the keys from keyholder to customer. Customer’s name will also be provided to keyholder during the 24-hour application review period.
3. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES shall Locked In Lust (LL Creations LLC) or its affiliates, partners, suppliers or licensors be held liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising out of or in connection with your access or use or inability to access or use the application and any third party content or services, whether or not the damages were foreseeable and whether or not you were advised of the possibility of such damages.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • LL CREATIONS LLC is in no way privy or part of outside sender/receiver relationships, their discussions/terms/negotiations; nor liable for their failure or success.
  • LL CREATIONS LLC is in no way privy, part of or responsible for lost-in-mail packages, disputes amongst sender/receiver and their particular delivering post service including reversals, cancellations or arrears to the United States Post Office/Amazon/FedEx/UPS/DHL/Regional Post Offices/Governmental Post Offices or other post service considered third party by sender/receiver do not involve Locked In Lust and such cases should be addressed directly to the appropriate division of particular the United States Post Office/Amazon/FedEx/UPS/DHL/Regional Post Offices/Governmental Post Offices or other post in dispute.
4. If any package is shipped to and held in our (LL Creations LLC)’s INTERMEDIARY facility without authorization/to deficit of either sender/receiver and are not claimed after 90 days (in accordance with State of Florida Statutes 705.103-Procedure for lost or abandoned property) are considered abandoned. Therefore LL CREATIONS LLC is not liable to retain/return/reimburse unclaimed parcels after 90 days.
5. This service it to be used as an INTERMEDIARY between customers and keyholders for the transport of KEYS and PADLOCKS only. Any other items suspected to be transported may be opened and/or disposed of at the discretion of LL CREATIONS LLC, or their accompanying warehouse(s).
6. LL CREATIONS LLC retains the right to restrict/ban/remove any customer or keyholder from this service without notice or cause. Being removed from the “Secure Key Exchange” program by LL CREATIONS LLC with cause will result in any outstanding payments to LL CREATIONS LLC and services through the Secure Key Exchange program to be forgone without reimbursement, even if a payment/pre-payment was already made.

Removal with cause includes but is not limited to:

  • Any act or series of actions made toward LL Creations LLC, keyholders, or customers which would be considered derogotory, threatening, crude, vulgar, tasteless, insulting, or intended to belittle or envoke an unfavorable reaction from the receiving party.
  • Demanding refunds from LL Creations LLC, keyholders, or customers, after service(s) have already been conducted.
  • Non-cooperation between parties, including non-cooperation with LL CREATIONS LLC.